Sunday, May 13, 2012

Yep, still sick!

Poor tree.

About Masai

About Masai 

What is Masai's middle name? Masai's middle name is Amani which is Swahili for paz (which means peace in Spanish).

How old is Masai? Masai is 8 years old,although his birthday is in two weeks.

What is Masai passionate about ? Masai is passionate about books.

Does Masai like the cold? NO in fact Masai hates the cold so much that when its 80 degrees outside he wears a short sleeved shirt ,a long sleeved shirt another short sleeved shirt and a sweater.

What is Masai's favorite country to visit?  Masai's favorite country to visit is Curacao.


Chrysalis will turn into a butterfly. We have chrysali in are classroom. Eight of them. Here is a picture

Eat and wash your hands well

To eat healthy food is good because it is healthier than candy and it makes you healthy and it is good for you. You should eat well because some of the top ten causes of death are involved with eating and diet and nutrition. It is important to wash your hands well to stop food poisoning which causes around 9,000 deaths a year. The key to stop food poisoning is hand washing.


The first time a volcano erupts it blasts off its top. Some people think that a volcano is a deep pit with Magma inside of it, which it is not. A volcano is a mountain that forced itself through weak spots in the earth's crust. A volcano with non-vicious Magma inside it usually will be flat but also kind of cone shaped. A volcano with vicious Magma in it will most likely be cone shaped like the volcanoes shown in pictures and stuff (see below).
Magma and Lava have a very small difference: Magma is in a volcano and Lava is out. Since Lava is out of the volcano, it is a little cooler. Some volcanologists use the gas level around the volcano to tell if it will erupt.